Order : Dware
Project : Agri Company
Subproject : Tree Pull up Machine
Project item : Motion Drive
Wheel1 ID : X-002-001
Wheel2 ID : Y-002-002
Calculated by : André Dewispelaere
Organization : Dware
Date : 22-05-2015

Input Load Symbol Unit Wheel 1 Wheel 2
Power load on smaller wheel P kW 20.000 --
Torque load on smaller wheel T N.m 0.000 --
Rotation frequency n Hz 5.0000 0.00000
Rotation speed N rpm 300.000 0.0000
Torque load on larger wheel T N.m -- 0.000
Driver is -- -- Wheel 1 --
Estimated chain efficiency ηc -- 1.000 1.000
Load calculation Symbol Unit Wheel 1 Wheel 2
Power P kW 20.000 20.000
Rotation frequency n Hz 5.00000 1.55738
Rotation speed N rpm 300.0000 93.4426
Torque T N.m 636.620 2043.885
Transmission ratio i -- 3.21053 3.21053

Selected roller chain
Description Nr pl p b1 d1 g1 e Fr m
-- -- -- mm mm mm mm mm N kg/m
Roller chain DIN 8188 12 A -2 19.050 12.70 11.91 18.08 22.78 63600 2.90
Design roller chain tranmission Symbol Unit Transmission
Target transmission ratio i -- 3.20000
Wheel count in transmission nwh -- 2
Intended service life Lh h 10000
Requested safety factor on failure SF -- 5.00
Dust conditions -- -- dust free
Lubrication -- -- good
Retrieve in roller chain type Roller chain DIN 8188
Number of teeth wheel 1 z1 -- 19
Number of teeth wheel 2 z2 -- 61
Tranmission ratio ic -- 3.21053
Application factor KA -- 1.25
Chain ply -- -- duplex
Selected roller chain ID -- 12 A
Pitch p mm 19.050
Roller diameter d1 mm 11.910
Rupture force Fr N 63600
Specific linear mass m kg 2.90
Center distance freedom -- -- indicative
Constraint on chain iron count -- -- enforce even
Imposed center distance a mm 800.00
Calculated iron count X0 -- 125.1
Rounded iron count X -- 126
Center distance tight parts at -- 809.1
Total chain length L mm 2400.3
Total chain mass M kg 6.961
Iron count to cut Xc -- 125
Iron plug count Xp -- 1
Joggled iron count Xj -- 0
Chain length to cut Lc mm 2381.3
Mass of cut chain Mc kg 6.906
Tensile force Ft N 11001
Corrected tensile force Ftc N 11943
Safety factor on failure SF -- 5.33
Chain speed vt m/s 1.82
Recommended lubrication mode -- -- drop